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Cherisse is the mother of young Adrian who is destined to change the world. It is no secret where he gets his passion, determination and bright mind. Cherisse takes being a mom very seriously, because she believes that as a society, we can be better. We can do more to be kind to others and it starts with us. It starts with our children who are the future.

Cherisse is an activist and advocate for women, children and animals. She loves them all with conviction, her whole heart and soul in a very real way. She is an incredibly strong woman in her community and a motivator among those around her. She inspires people get up to do more and be more because she believes in her network.

Cherisse has always had a passion for helping those that haven’t found their own voice. She is quick to use any means necessary to help someone in need. She is a gifted yoga instructor that harnesses her yearning to help others as an integral part of her training and how she trains others. She is also the founder of Baby Buddha’s Closet, which provides essential assistance to children in domestic abuse centers. Cherisse is a change agent.

Optimist Made loves Cherisse because she has one of the kindest hearts that we know and is a mission driven purist making waves and bringing change to this complex world that we live in and we want to be a part of it!

xoxo, Optimist Made





Baby Buddhas Closet

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